
Notwithstanding meeting of minds now has ended up's lettin ' go today

Who says that lovers becames families why Silver River cut off double star? Notwithstanding meeting of minds now has ended up's lettin ' go today East West, had known dream finally became empty, accomplished had not picked hates with all complaints with all most is agedboy! Step by step to catch up with those figures, sounds litigation not to love! Love to the depths, rush tears, long long. This life, the other side of the edge, if not, then would you be happy, because your happiness is my courage to go. Would you be happy, because you're not happy, I used to pour love ashamed grieved. Would you be happy, because I want you to be happy, remember that I've ever said to you as long as you're better than me is sufficient. Good-bye, my love! This life, would you please stop crying? For me, look after yourself is my greatest happiness. This life, doomed I'll love long kidnapped your love.

One thought you have kept looking, Acacia, quenched the deepest margin analysis. Silent night, love is pain, pain cry, you say I have earned your tears, but you also know you I miss you wasting away. Love, hearts are broken! Of what happens in life is itself a lot, sometimes separation is a kind of love blessed. Therefore, when you love to Burnout, timely put down persistent, also between one thought, is also a kind of wisdom. Forgotten love pain and escape the love dedicated, midnight whisper music, Buddha's heart as Bodhi, Buddhist chant of Bing Xin, flowers world, chrysanthemum views leading edge. Like a knife, love was sleeping, blowing cold wind affection cotton, dream thinking margin of 1100 degrees, sea is helpless. Sunset Red River crossing of Acacia mangium, one thought deep dream, foreseeable future, edge, destined this life what you dead in my arms, tender. If I fall, please help tell others also has social graces that! Still, human remains, Once Upon a Time I have to worry about, what Ye Lian tianshan worrying. Love remains the same, love remains the same, fate to gather speaks for winter, spring flowers blooming dream soft. Come out, one thought persistent, Acacia, how many people are awake? Margin, saying: since ancient times, sentimental spare hate, here is hard to find love.Love to you go and ruthless, merciless more than sentimental tired. Why the wine stolen time, people laugh at me but I'm relatively nerd, MO road wine be drunk, the wine into the pent up feelings of sadness worries about more to worry about. One romantic after find that every single grain of dust is only love Cheap Gold for WOWTonight, who is sad after?Behind is a large rain fun! Light tone fallout night brushed grieved, dreams stained glass listening to Van Gogh sing, empty heart mountain cloud water Zen, a read Buddha, read into demons, phase at heart, dreams by margin of hygiene, physical fate invisible, searching, heartbreaking, like dry and fresh seems not blight and blight. Margin of the emotional health, put down persistent, farewell to love, just, I really do not know whether I will die in your dreams tonight?

